


对我们的节目有问题吗? 以下是我们收到的最常见的问题列表. 如果您有其他问题,请太阳城官网的客服 项目顾问 或者参观我们的 会话信息.


Each automotive class is 3 credits 和 will cost approximately $456 tuition plus a $30 lab fee. AUT 142有50美元的实验室费用. (每班$486-$506)
可以找到机械师证书太阳城官网的总费用细目 在这里.
副学士学位的总费用明细可以找到 在这里.
汽车太阳城官网只有一本必修教材, 根据购买地点的不同,价格通常在60- 180美元之间, 如果你买的是新的和用过的. 我们不需要任何网络访问附加组件. 教材只. Students will need clear, non-tinted safety glasses OR side shields for their prescription glasses. Both tend to go for approximately $5-15 和 are available on-site via our vending machine.
学生可申请 先前学习评估 看看以前的工作经验是否可以代替大学学分. 所有的请求都是逐案处理的. Students who have already obtained ASE or other industry certifications may be able to save both time 和 money on their journey to completing their educational goals.
虽然这些特殊技能没有特定的先决条件, it should be understood that this is a highly technical field 和 will require some prior knowledge of language, 数学, 尤其是电脑(所有内容都是在线托管的). Basic communication is necessary for a technician to be able to explain their diagnostic process to a supervisor or customer. Basic 数学 is required when performing measurements 和 adjustments of various vehicle systems. 计算机知识对新技术人员来说很可能是最重要的, considering t在这里 are now more modules in an economy class car than the even the most luxurious motor coaches from just 15-20 years ago. Most students are capable of succeeding in this program so long as they’re willing to reach out for help when needed.


是的, PCC汽车技术项目获得ASEEF认证, 汽车服务卓越教育基金会. 访问日月光教育基金会,了解更多关于这个组织的信息. ASEEF accreditation means that our automotive students will follow a nationally recognized curriculum, 涵盖与业界认可的ASE认证一致的八个关键领域. 东盟经济论坛每五年对该项目进行一次评估,最近一次是在2020年.


PCC汽车项目最大的优势是灵活性. All automotive courses are self-paced 和 utilize a hybrid of web-based instruction 和 h和s-on training. We operate 14 shifts throughout the week, offering all 15 automotive courses during each shift. Students work with lab staff to create a class schedule that works around their existing obligations. 出勤率每周评估一次, 也就是说,如果学生不能按时上课, they are allowed to attend any of the other available shifts to fulfill their attendance requirement.


PCC is partnered with 斯巴鲁 和 Stellantis (MOPAR/克莱斯勒) to provide additional training opportunities to all PCC automotive students. 我们的合作伙伴为学生培训提供了太阳城官网、车辆和设备. 我们还提供实耐龙(NC3)行业认可的培训和认证.


所有汽车学院都获得了ASE硕士级别认证, with staff 和 Adjunct professors holding ASE certifications as well as a variety of factory certifications from Ford, 克莱斯勒, 斯巴鲁, 现代, 和更多的.


我们的太阳城官网力求为学生消除尽可能多的障碍. 我们15门课只需要一本教科书, 所有额外的学习材料都提供给学生. We curate 和 provide all necessary tools for the h和s-on training portion of our classes.


PCC汽车专业的学生使用最先进的工具和车辆进行培训. 通过使用自动化工具控制系统, students are able to get h和s-on with some of the most cutting-edge diagnostic equipment available. Most of the vehicles used for h和s-on training are from 2018 or later with new vehicles being deployed on a regular basis.

与简单的证书相比,AAS可以提供一个显著的优势. AAS不仅反映了对额外汽车知识的掌握, 同时也是雇主非常需要的软技能. The attainment of an AAS lets an employer know your value as a technician who can not only fix cars but explain 和 effectively communicate with coworkers 和 customers.
一般的汽车程序没有额外的应用, 虽然未来的计划可能需要特别考虑.
The time for completion will depend on the student 和 the course load that suits them. Assuming full-time enrollment (12 credit hours per semester) the certificate can be completed in under a year 和 the degree in approximately 2 years. 建议的学期路径 原子吸收程度汽车技工证书 可以在网上找到.


我们的大多数汽车太阳城官网都没有先决条件, 虽然可能会有一些具体太阳城官网的建议. 在一般情况下, we recommend starting with the certificate level courses as they can be applied toward the certificate as well as the AAS.
汽车程序的运行时间可以看到 在这里. All courses are available to students during any of the 14 shifts that we are open during the day. 学生每周参加一次他们所参加的太阳城官网.
The 汽车技术 和 Innovation Center at the downtown campus is a state-of-the-art, 45,000平方英尺, 空调训练设施,可容纳20个不同设计的车辆升降机, 30 +车辆, 超过30个额外工作站, 并且可以使用一些最新最好的电子和诊断设备. 学生们在实验室里会得到iPad pro, 在实际的汽车和部件上工作时查看教学内容, 和 to access ProDem和 – the most up to date online workshop manuals this side of a dealership. 除了实验室空间, 有两间具有视频流功能的高科技教室, 两个传统智能教室, 现场教师办公室和一个安静的二楼休息区,俯瞰实验室.
大部分太阳城官网内容是通过预先录制的活动来提供的, 由PCC汽车工作人员和教职员工在内部制作. 而视频可以通过D2L在线系统获得, t在这里 is also a h和s-on component to most activities that must be completed in the lab 和 evaluated by automotive staff. 在实验室里, students will also have access to 4 or more qualified instructors who can help clarify or break down concepts in a one-on-one instructional setting. 此外, tutoring is available throughout the week to assist with homework 和 written assignments.
One of our main goals is to enforce individual accountability 和 personal responsibility. 像这样, 我们的学生在实验室中能独立自主地操作, 在员工监督下. Certain activities are design to be performed with a partner in order to reinforce teamwork 和 professional cooperation.
这是我们的项目与其他一些大学相比最大的吸引力之一. 我们的太阳城官网几乎100%都是亲身实践. T在这里 may be a learning station or two that focus primarily on theory of operation for a certain system, but we always try to incorporate a h和s-on activity into those types of learning modules. 另外, 因为我们注重独立自主, 每个学生都有机会完成他们所修太阳城官网的每一项任务. 比如给轮胎充气, 拆卸:完全拆卸并重新安装发动机或传动装置, 你将有机会亲身体验汽车的每一个部件.


绝对! The automotive program has no entry requirements other than registering for class 和 paying your tuition. 我们努力迎合各种有兴趣的学生, whether a veteran technician looking to upskill or fresh out of high school 和 looking for direction 和 anyone in between.
Employers are always contacting us with positions that need to be filled 和 they’re always looking for self-motivated students who show strong work ethic. 我们和 雇主参与及就业服务 提供与当地工业的联系.


Most of our courses are designed to align with the ASE A-series (A1-A9) of technician certifications. 完成相关太阳城官网后, students should be capable of passing the designated ASE certification exam 和 achieve full certification once the work requirements are met. 我们的太阳城官网将帮助学生准备参加ASE认证考试, 不提供ASE认证(没有项目可以提供ASE认证, 因为测试总是通过第三方完成的).

Snap-On (NC3)认证

PCC将多个行业认可的NC3认证整合到我们的太阳城官网中. 不像ASE认证, PCC is able to fully certify students on certain tools 和 topics within the NC3 curriculum.


是也不是. 而NC3认证则完全包含在各自的太阳城官网中, ASE认证需要第三方(ASE)注册和测试过程. 与ASE认证相关的具体费用可以在其网站上找到.

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